
Botox and Dysport are FDA approved products that relax the muscles underneath the skin in order to smooth and prevent unwanted wrinkles. It is a comfortable treatment, with minimal to no downtime. Botox is also used to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in the under arm area. You will see results as soon as 1-3 days, but full results occurring 10-14 days post treatment. Botox and Dysport last 3-5 months, and in some cases longer.
Dermal Fillers
Starting at the age of 30, we stop producing collagen in our skin which consequently creates loss of volume as well as reduced hydration and elasticity. Dermal fillers are FDA approved products that are made from hyaluronic acid, a type of sugar found in our bodies. This injectable treatment is used to restore and replace volume loss in areas such as cheeks, lips, jawline, chin, hands and more. These fillers immediately work to diminish fine lines and deliver lifting, plumping, and contouring results that can last up to one year, and in some cases longer. The main dermal fillers used at Bodyvine Aesthetics are Juvederm, Restylane, RHA and Versa products.

Kybella is an FDA approved injectable medication made of deoxycholic acid. It is used to target areas with excess fat, such as the “double chin”. It effectively destroys the fat cells’ membrane causing the cells to collapse, and the body to naturally absorb and eliminate. This is a series of treatments, which depend on the amount of fat present as well as the goal of the patient.
Sculptra is an FDA approved injectable treatment that stimulates your own natural collagen growth, replaces volume loss, and improves skin appearance. It is an injection performed over 1-3 treatments where you can expect a gradual plumping over the course of several months as your body naturally absorbs the product and produces new collagen. Results can last up to 2 years.

PRP Facial
The PRP facial is a highly advanced, cutting edge, and natural way to slow down the aging process. PRP, or Platelet-Rich-Plasma, is found in the serum portion of the blood. A blood sample is drawn from the patient, centrifuged, and then re-injected into areas needing volume replacement. PRP has a high concentration of growth factors that stimulate collagen and slow down the signs of aging. It is injected similarly to the dermal filler process, but instead it is using the body’s own natural cells to create a natural glow from the inside out.
Hair Restoration
PRP Therapy is a natural way to regrow lost hair by using the patient’s blood to retrieve growth factors. With our state-of-the-art Magellan TruPRP system, a hospital grade device, we can create the purest and most effective PRP available. A blood sample is drawn from the patient, centrifuged, and then re-injected into areas needing hair restoration. This is indicated for all types of hair loss, whether it be mild thinning, alopecia, stress induced hair loss, or male/female pattern balding. This consists of 3 monthly treatments, followed by maintenance as needed for the individual patient.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment that eliminates unwanted small vessels on the lower extremities, also known as spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves injections of a solution directly into the vein called Asclera. Asclera is an FDA-approved treatment that irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse, and your body to reabsorb the treated vessels.
Sclerotherapy is a proven procedure and the results of sclerotherapy can be permanent. Patients can achieve desirable results within 1-4 treatment sessions. Because the vascular system can regrow new pathways, at times maintenance is needed.
Sculptra Butt Lift
Sculptra Butt Lift is a minimally invasive injectable treatment, and a great alternative to building a fuller looking buttocks without undergoing surgery. Sculptra is an injectable treatment that is uniquely designed to enhance the shape of the buttocks, achieve a fuller appearance, enhance hip dips, and improve the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. Sculptra Butt Lift typically takes 1-3 sessions with full results seen gradually after 3-4 months. While this is not a permanent treatment, results last anywhere from 2 to 4 years.